Oil and Gas Game

Oil and Gas Game

About the Project

As part of the Woodside commitment to innovation, Sentient was asked to explore the use of gaming technology as a communication medium for public relations and education and training purposes.


Sentient developed an interactive “game” that allows the player to follow the flow of gas through a standard LNG plant, interacting with the equipment. For example, the valves on the slug catcher must be opened to start the flow of gas into the plant. This game was showcased at one of the world’s largest oil and gas conferences, LNG18, as a way to explore the intricacies of an LNG plant.

The game cumulates in a complex simulation (developed by Woodside) involving operation of an LNG plant where the user has control of a number of key drivers. The player must exceed certain production targets to succeed.


  1. This module provided a useful, engaging, educational tool that can be utilised internally (i.e. employee education) and externally (i.e. recruitment, public relations and education).
  2. Demonstrated the ability for gaming technology to be cost effective interactive tool to communicate complex chemical processes in an easy to understand format.

Project Info