Envirotrace Animation

  • Envirotrace Animation
  • Envirotrace Animation
  • Envirotrace Animation
  • Envirotrace Animation
  • About the Project

    We are very pleased with the work you have done. 

    Sentient was a pleasure to work with. Congratulations to your team, the excellent work they have done made the project and, the whole process was seamless from our side.

    Sentient is an example of how a company should be with regard to professionalism and excellent customer service.
    With the distance between us it was like we were next door.

    Your Canadian client, Envirotrace.

    Richard Pawlyk, Envirotrace Founder.


    To develop a communications and marketing video that effectively demonstrates Envirotrace’s complex gas Leak Detection System.
    To represent an unfamiliar Canadian environment in a cost effective realistic way.


    Develop a 3D animation to be used within Envirotrace’s marketing campaigns. A 3D animation allows Envirotrace to accurately depict the functionality and effectiveness of their product, avoiding difficult filming locations and recreating impossible to see processes.


    The animation showed a beautiful Canadian landscape and conveyed the value of Envirotrace’s Leak Detection System clearly. The voice overs and graphics enhanced the message and created an overall package that Envirotrace are able to use across a variety of mediums within their marketing campaign.


    This was the first opportunity our Australian office had to create an unfamiliar Canadian landscape. Sentient enjoyed working with Envirotrace and came to appreciate the Leak Detection System product and their purpose greatly.

    3D animations gave the customer an opportunity to portray difficult processes and explain hard to see functionality in an easy to understand way.

    Envirotrace provided Sentient with a brief storyboard to begin. The teams collaborated closely via conference calls and emails to flesh out the animation and ensure all relevant information regarding the product was included.

    Sentient and Envirotrace hope to work together again soon.

    Project Info

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