Planned Maintenance in Virtual Reality

  • Planned Maintenance in Virtual Reality
  • Planned Maintenance in Virtual Reality
  • About the Project

    Sentient was tasked with creating a highly detailed 3D model of a boiler furnace including  complex scaffolding to be able communicate critical tasks during a shutdown.

    The 3D model had to have the ability for personnel to experience the real time model in Virtual Reality.

    In addition, an animation of the scaffold construction needed to be created linked to the shutdown schedule.


    • Create a highly detailed 3D model including temporary scaffolding yet to be built.
    • Create a VR package to be able to move freely through the environment or via jump locations.
    • Animate the scaffold construction.


    • A 3D model of the boiler was created by extracting, separating, optimising and texturing the components from documents provided by the client. The scaffold manual was created from 2D drawings and photos from previous shutdowns.
    • The 3D model was given functionality in the Virtual Reality hardware (HTC Vive) including programmed jump locations and free movement using the hand controllers.
    • The 3D model was linked to the clients shutdown schedule using Sentients Plan-It 3D software platform enabling access to visualise scaffold construction animations.



    • A realistic 3D model was created and delivered which met all the client’s expectations.
    • The client was able to use the VR scaffold training and animations plus have the ability to use the model for future applications including Real-Time Data, Documentation Access, Customised Confined Space Training amongst others.
    • Scaffold crews experienced the environment in VR in advance of the shutdown increasing comprehension of the complex task ahead and the hazards involved.
    • The animations of the construction were able to be used in a video format for team meetings. These animations helped to understand the timelines and interacting tasks occurring during the busy Ramp-Down preparation stage.

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