Offshore Installations are complex assets with hundreds, or even thousands, of components to maintain and monitor. In most locations, operators have developed control systems with simple graphical interfaces that report real time responses of the equipment, and technicians are charged with monitoring these data output streams. These systems bear little resemblance to the plant itself and, while they have greatly improved efficiency over physical inspection alone, they can be cumbersome to navigate and usually do not integrate with document libraries and other key information.
Sentient and Holis combined forces to change the way that our customer accessed their data, by creating a Digital Twin of the offshore asset using the customers’ existing infrastructure.
This Digital Twin was swiftly brought to an operational level using the Sentient Digital Asset Pipeline. The pipeline automatically processed heavy design models into selectable and taggable digital assets of scalable detail that can be easily navigated in a web application. Using the tagging system, the customer’s existing data streams were then tethered to the assets, along with maintenance histories and procedures sourced from a variety of different document management systems.
This working Digital Twin immediately improved on the customer’s ability to observe equipment with out of tolerance readings and click, filter or search to access relevant technical documents in a single application. Immediate efficiency gains could be reaped by operations and maintenance teams, as well as a reduction in the cost and exposure associated with having personnel on site.
Future development for this platform is exciting!
Since InDI was able to rapidly transform the customer’s monitoring system from an old GUI into a 3D Digital Twin environment without any additional physical hardware, our customer can experiment within the environment and make informed decisions on where new sensors will further advance their capacity to respond remotely. AR Support is being investigated, as well as the integration of VR training and procedures.