ICMM: Tailings Management Good Practice Guide


About the Project

Sentient won the tender to design and develop training materials for the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) for their recently published Tailings Management Good Practice Guide. 


  • Adapting a lengthy, highly technical text-heavy publication into learner-centred, outcomes-focused, and interactive resources that would support ICMM’s goal of capacity building for safe tailings management within the industry.  
  • Tailoring training packs to multiple audiences, Executives and Senior Management as well as site level operational staff. 
  • Creating train-the-trainer resources to support Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) with effective facilitation strategies. 


  • The Sentient ID team developed customisable training packs that comprised of practical tools, group activities and facilitator notes for a truly interactive workshop to be used by ICMM members for on-site delivery around the world. 
  • In addition, Sentient developed narrated e-learning versions of the training packs in Storyline as an alternative learning solution for sites without access to on-site tailings training specialists.  
  • Training materials were developed in close consultation with ICMM tailings experts to ensure integrity and authenticity of content.  


  • ICMM has launched the training materials on their website to support their aim of capacity building within the wider industry, raise awareness at the mine site level about the importance of tailings management, and illustrate what good governance and engineering practices look like.  
  • Sentient and ICMM have developed an ongoing, continued partnership for further work. 
  • Sentient is currently partnering with ICMM on a further training project. 

Project Info

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